moonshine I want honesty
I wish honesty flowed
I dilute it it sometimes. Full of soy milk and guilt...
dean-bean I try to tell people the truth (with a lower case "t" mind you, I would never claim to know the Truth with a Big "T") but I look at their fragile little faces and I don't want to break them. I broke my own ego that way, and super glue.
Lime Rider A mask of honesty is always present.
A thin mask, like a boy who ate the cookies, or a thick mask of a mass murderer saying it was an accident.
Or the mask extends to the soul, honesty to yourself is also difficult. There are people who are all honest. I wish they didn't need a mask.
blown cherry honest words about yourself, confused or otherwise, only serve to turn me on, because with every word I get closer than you want me to be

No one is ever honest.
How many people do you know who are as openly honest in real life as they are here on blather?
So rarely do I see such freedom of mind that when I glimpse it I hold on and do not let go.
silentbob honesty's insulting but lies are a crime 020404
Red tempera photogram There is honesty via tact. I rarely lie. Only when honesty would cause a greater evil. 020408
pigrim Exactly Photogram...
Truth untempered is more than Mortal Man
Can endure.
Our Psyches are far too fragile
Being Emotionally Hard-wired
To Our Souls.
To Destroy anothers Self Esteem
In the Brutal name of Honesty
Is Dead Wrong
Love beyond the flaws.
I don't mean to wax Religious,
But The Golden Rule has been spoken
In nearly every Culture on Earth,
Throughout Time.
Do Unto Others, As You would have Them
Do Unto You.
lulie I am learning to be honest. 020408
chanaka when i am too depressed to stay up any longer, i like to lie in bed with my face buried in the pillow, just to see how long i can go without breathing.

sometimes i am too honest with everyone but myself.
monkey The Chinese Sage Lao Tzu said that words that are beautiful are seldom true 020502
belly fire there's this part of me that wants to shut down, sexually, for a while. I feel withdrawn and foolish. Maybe I mean bruised. Bruised on the way deep down inside. For not the first time pornography has left me feeling as unsexy as I have ever felt. 040604
somnial i am honest
far too honest

it keeps breaking things

and no one believes me
no offense actually this class will boost your iq. 141219
unhinged hasn't gotten me very far

nr it's so rare to meet someone who will accept all parts of you. i was in a strange and upset and frustrated headspace today and even though i added humour and levity to the conversation, i don't think you knew what to do. i don't want to worry about keeping people comfortable anymore. if they can't handle the range of human behaviour and emotion... i don't even know how to answer that sentence. but people rarely seem to be able to handle it, which makes me wonder sometimes if i'm the crazy one. which i do not like. 160314
i meant "complete that sentence" 160314
unhinged well thanks to facebook human interaction is sanitized to what we 'like' and memes about 'catching feelings' as if feelings are on par with life threatening infectious diseases. just smile, take a pic, post it all over the internet.

i have been out of the dating game for almost a year now and part of the reason why i left that game is because a guy used me for sex and then kept canceling dates after the fact and when i called him out about it i never heard from him again. my roommate said 'oh, you didn't say that to him. you can't say stuff like that when you're dating.' i can and i will tell you if you are being an asshole. if that's against the rules of your game, then i don't want to play.
nr i wonder if i should just arrange to tell him what i'm thinking and ask what he's thinking or what he thought.

but then i wonder if there's a point. i'm not sure in this case if closure would make things better.
what's it to you?
who go