WWOOF Australia Email: wwoof@wwoof.com.au Web: www.wwoof.com.au . WWOOF Austria Email: wwoof.welcome@telering.at Web: www.wwoof.welcome.at.tf . WWOOF Canada Email: wwoofcan@shaw.ca Web: www.wwoof.ca . WWOOF Czech Republic Email: areaviva@quickcz or areaviva@seznam.cz Web: www.wwoof.ecn.cz . WWOOF Denmark Email: info@wwoof.dk Web: www.wwoof.dk . WWOOF Finland: All contact with the WWOOF Finland coordinator has been lost. WWOOF Independents will list WWOOF hosts in Finland for the time being. . WWOOF Germany Email: info@wwoof.de Web: www.wwoof.de . WWOOF Ghana Email: kingzeeh@yahoo.co.uk . WWOOF Hawaii Web: www.wwoofhawaii.org . WWOOF Italy Email: info@wwoof.it Web: www.wwoof.it . WWOOF Japan Email: info@wwoofjapan.com Web: www.wwoofjapan.com . WWOOF Korea Email: wwoof@wwoofkorea.com Web: www.wwoofkorea.com . WWOOF Mexico Email: wwoofmexico@yahoo.com Web: www.wwoofmexico.com . WWOOF Nepal Email: fdregmi@wlink.com.np Web: www.angelfire.com/folk/wwoofnepal . WWOOF New Zealand Email: support@wwoof.co.nz Web: www.wwoof.co.nz . WWOOF Slovenia Email: polona.gostan@s5.net Web: www.wwoofslovenia.cjb.net . WWOOF Sweden Email: Jesper_Lagerman@spray.se . WWOOF Switzerland Email: wwoof@gmx.ch Web: www.dataway.ch/~reini/wwoof/ . WWOOF Turkey Email: info@tatuta.org Web: www.bugday.org/tatuta/?lang=EN or www.tatuta.org . WWOOF Uganda Email: bob_kasule@yahoo.com . WWOOF UK Email: hello@wwoof.org.uk Web: www.wwoof.org.uk ((England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK). To WWOOF in the UK, join WWOOF UK. To WWOOF in southern Ireland (The Republic of Ireland, Eire), join WWOOF Independents.)) Web: www.wwoof.org/how2join.asp . United States of America There are a number of separate WWOOF organisations in the USA http://www.wwoof.org/joinDet.asp .