epitome of incomprehensibility "Biread" means a reading - book, article - that connects to another reading.

Except I'm making a crossword puzzle clue for it, so I recruit cheesy_ideas for defining it, such as "A book that likes both boy books and girl books."

Except my dream mind didn't consider the non-binary books. In German, books are always non-binary: das Buch, not der Buch or die Buch.
e_o_i In a long-ago dream, an elderly woman who was sitting in bed and recalling her homeland. This was supposed to be Russia. Maybe. But I was her and the bed looked an awful lot like mine.

There had been some kind of war in the 1960s or 70s, and she/I thought about it with a couple of "Russian" words: "kashvas" were bad memories and "otchkes" were objects that recalled memories, mostly good ones.

I don't have any explanation for the first, but the second sounded like the word for glasses in A_Clockwork_Orange (so, Russian-derived) and also something like tchotchkes (doodads in Yiddish).
e_o_i And, from ten years ago, a_word_that_isn't_a_word

Either by chance, or through the weirdness of memory, my dream mind gave me a French word that my waking mind didn't know (nier, to deny).
raze holy crap. add a_word_that_isn't_a_word to the list of things (or dreams) i would have no memory of at all if i hadn't blathed about them once upon a time.

and blurzurk *is* a good word for when things go wrong. i need to dust that off more often.
raze it was technically more of a half-asleep thought than a dream, but last night i got "iperate". in the context of the brain blip, it seemed to be a fancier form of reduction. 240121
raze "windeto" and "exia" are apparently drugs designed to help catalyze sleep. 240205
raze i assume a "tillennial" is a millennial in training. 240206
raze "incient": like "incipient", but without the pi. 240210
raze it was part of a word fill_in puzzle. eight letters. the first five were iiile. the last three i forget. i just remember thinking, "what kind of word is that?" 240217
raze from an email: "ccldction".

either a terribly mangled attempt at spelling "collection", or something different altogether.
raze "abigationist": someone who's consumed with the business of being abigail. 241222
raze it was either "tabit" or "tabet". the meaning, like the spelling, is lost to me now. 250116
Jus I've always wanted a word for the feeling when you see Christmas decorations up way too late into the season. It's kind of like melancholy but not..

Melonbally...no lol but how good are melons?
raze a bobset is a very specific kind of box set. instead of a collection of home media, it's an assemblage of people named robert, tastefully packaged and ready to deploy. 250205
raze highvious (like "previous", only higher). 250221
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