epitome of incomprehensibility
The make of a neighbour's/small plane enthusiast's car. Old but remodeled, comparatively luxurious but a homely brown. My parents are car-less so they borrow it sometimes, and they needed it this past weekend: the family, all four of us, drove/rode up to the summer camp where my brother is working. Where I used to work. It's about four hours away. I saw it in the driveway today and realized they had it for the week. The part that annoys me is that said neighbour was letting Dad drive it, but didn't think of including Mom. He's also the person who said vaguely sexist things about the "ladies" (her and me) not wanting to hear about his adventures in small aircraft when we all went for dinner togather. Everyone wants to hear airplane tales. EVERYONE. (See Cessna, when it's up. Not for that incident, but for airplanes, now that I'm gliding on a vehicular train or plane of thought.) The other annoying thing? I keep thinking "Buick" rhymes with week. They have the Bweek for a week. Sing-song. But it's really a Byoo-ick. I weep for the imagined Bweek, bleakly.
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we called it “the pelosi-mobile” because of the red and white FIRE PELOSI! bumper sticker. alex found it on craigslist: only $1000, belonged to a guy who looked to be in his 80s or 90s, someone’s racist grandpa probably. he had taken good care of it, didn’t drive it much. (who was it that told me, “only buy your cars from old people”? i forget, but they were right.) it was a white lesabre with dark red leather interior and glossy wood paneling. you could say it had all the fixings—seats that could be tilted and raised separately, automatic windows, infinite cup holders. wide as a boat, it was a car you could fall into, slam the door with a heavy “thunk” sound, put on your sunglasses and melt into the rich red leather, sail away into the summer. we’d drive it to kroger at midnight to get ice cream, to visit nick in asheville and bum around in chattanooga. the pelosi-mobile was perfect for the drive-in, nice and wide if you wanted to watch the movie from inside but big enough to bring camping chairs if you wanted to crank up the radio and watch outside. i didn’t want to give it up but i had to admit it wouldn’t survive the trip from georgia to oregon. it was a good car but didn’t have that kind of stamina anymore. saying goodbye to the pelosi-mobile was almost as hard as saying goodbye to my nissan sentra. a neighbor who happened to be backyard mechanic bought it—one day the pelosi-mobile was parked by the curb, the next day it was in a driveway across the street along with some other half finished projects. he was a nice guy, but he would never love it like we did.
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