notme in an alternate reality a parallel universe i am a good friend to everyone i meet i never beat the bad guys up

a face who keeps up appearances feeds the crowd with pieces of my heart
singing songs
protests and jamborees

so unlike myself
doyouwantme so how do we meet 030910
lilac_air can we meet soon for my destiny
is about up
and soon
I will have a friend for me
but not for U
I am so broken in 2 peices forever
for I so wanted to be the friend
for U
pipedream but a good friend WILL beat the bad guys up :( 031008
.&. ahimsa. 050113
.&. non_violence 050113
.&. in a reality a universe i am)
a good friend to everyone
i meet i never beat
the bad guys up

a face who keeps the crowd
with pieces of my heart
singing songs so
like myself)
.&. in reality i am a crowd, a heart)
everyone i meet, a good friend
to the bad guys i never beat

a face who keeps, up with
the universe, like pieces
of songs singing myself)
.&. i am a crowd, a heart))
everyone i meet, a good friend
the bad guys i never beat

a face who keeps, with
the universe, pieces
of songs singing self))
nom friend for me 060122
what's it to you?
who go