jinx I was just thinking about the other night when me and Noah were talking on the phone, and we were talking about the war and how it might hinder his travels to Iowa. We talked about how we should just move out to Montana together because nothing happens in Montana, and we could just live in our house by some lake and not worry about wars... 030324
scarface "I ain't never fucked with nobody that didn't have it coming to them" 030325
amy in red taking the Empire Builder in a week and a half. longest train ride ever been on was Seattle to Vancouver and that was nothin. Excited. You don't even need a car. The train stops at the park entrance. They have shuttles.

Hiking might be a bust. There was snow just the other day. Hope nothing bad happens in the world although it always does when I'm on vacation. Maybe we'll go to Canada. Put the needlessly renewed passport to use before it expires.
amy in red 66 hours on the train wasn't bad. I read three books about global environment issues, one that I've been putting off for 13 years cuz I knew I couldn't get focused enough to read it, too academic. So happy about that. Have three weeks off in August. Would be great to get a rail pass and do a big loop visit New Orleans, LA, SF, but i'd have to save for 6mos for that. Shame opportunity go to waste, but what else is new, eh?

Anyway, we saw bear on trail, also hiked in snow. It was beautiful & great & highly recommended. Carlessness doable, as long as you can go with the not often running east-side shuttle & hiker's shuttle from Many Glacier to St Mary's. Shuttle on Going to the Sun Road runs every 45- hour, though. (stayed on the east side of the park.). Didn't make it to Canada. Very dramatic mountains, spirit of the Blackfeet Indians. The kind of place you want to know, want to get back to... And I think I will, as long as life allows....
amy in red a little mixed feelings about how profoundly away from normal life I was able to get. I'm still trying to remember what I was doing before I left. 120713
PeeT white fish 120714
what's it to you?
who go