girl_jane I want to feel...I want to feel happy, and I want to feel real love...

I'm so fucking impatient...
pobodys nerfect ditto :( 030707
alice in chains Hate to see
(wish i couldn't see at all)
Hate to feel
(wish i couldn't feel at all)
girl_jane I feel so fucking numb. 030904
pipedream you aren't the only one. i just think it's a good thing that i don't like the notion of pricking and poking myself with sharp objects.
do you think we'll ever have an epiphany? get sucked into a whirlwind and spun on high, obsessed and delirious with the kick of it all..
pipedream but i am happy. i do feel happy mostly. it comes and goes so fast that i don't not feel happy mostly. 030905
what's it to you?
who go