e_o_i I'm sorry, tender_square. That must have been awful. Especially for those children.


This is not on the same level, but I started thinking about my sugar_addiction - those thoughts, I'll put in a separate blathe.
epitome of incomprehensibility Pah. That didn't work. I'll put that where I meant to. I meant to put THIS here:

I got a little alarmed about my own more-or-less addiction after reading "addiction" and then rereading office_party - in which I state an event wouldn't be worth attending if no desserts were available (!)

An addiction to refined sugar probably doesn't fit the narrow definition of chemical dependence. Plus, the substance isn't mind-altering in the direct sense. But...

I'm worried that this isn't going away. I was writing about the_sugar_experiment what, seven years ago? Eight? And earlier, ten_years_ago thereabouts, I made several unneeded holes in my teeth by eating so much sugar (since I haven't had as many at once since, I'm guessing the dry-mouth side effect from Vyvanse contributed, but still). The dentist in St. Catharines was surprised at all my cavities, and patching them up exceeded the insurance I had with Brock University. Nowadays, if I open my mouth wide enough, you can see the ugly metal fillings I had to get because the white filling material wasn't strong enough.

Pah. "Ugly" doesn't matter. The problem is that abusing sugar contributes to other problems. But then it's tied up with impulsive behaviour from ADHD, and I can't make the ADHD itself go away.

I don't know whether my best bet is to cut out refined sugar from my diet entirely or just reduce consumption. Would either work...?

1) option 1 is hard because it's everywhere and many people give sugary things as gifts. I don't really want to live without it. But that's the problem (?!?)

2) option 2 might mean writing things down, tracking meals and snacks - and that would mean using time which could be better spent elsewhere.

(Non-app-related advice accepted...but not all are dealing with enough on your own. And maybe I'm just channeling my impulsive energy into rambling about something that's not that important. I don't know.)
e_o_i Well, I was being a little dramatic! Though it was true about all the fillings.

January will be the_sugar_experiment, I've decided: no candy or desserts. Which corresponds to my religious institution's yearly fast, a tradition instituted by the high priestess Sybil at the temple across from Parc Athena. (I just bought a translation of the Aeneid at Argo Books, thus the paganism. It's really a Presbyterian church.)

But I'm not including sweet drinks in this Prohibition, for now - I don't drink 'em much and maybe I'll want bubble tea sometime.
what's it to you?
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