nr there's a time and place for them.

"[joe], did you cut your hair?" the student asked.

"i cut most of them, except this one," the teacher answered, pointing at a lone hair.
nr "i've been listening to dr. dre these days; i'd kind of forgotten how good some of his stuff in the '90s was."

"so, you're saying you forgot about dre?"

(obvious joke but appreciated nonetheless.)
raze first ear of corn: "i'm proud of my son. he's doing great things in the air force."

second ear of corn: "what's his rank?"

first ear of corn: "kernel."
raze q: what did the ocean say to the beach?

a: nothing. it just waved.
e_o_i Okay, props to raze for making this ABOUT corn.

Dad and I were walking Shiloh yesterday when I commented on how he's gotten into the habit of peeing around trees. Or rather where other dogs have done so. "Peer pressure," I said. And then, seizing the opportunity, "Pee-er pressure."
raze (i'll have you know that your recognition of my intentional corniness made me grin. and your urine-based pun gave me a great cackle.) 220814
raze q: why don't eggs make good comedians?

a: they're always cracking up.
raze a length of string walks into a bar and pulls up a stool.

the bartender asks, "can i get you a drink?"

"no!" says the string. "i'm a frayed knot!"
raze q: why do melons get married?

a: they cantaloupe.
tender_square q: what do you call two crows?

a: an attempted murder.
raze q: why did the bear quit the police force?

a: he didn't have the stomach for investigating grizzly crime scenes.
raze q: what did the amputated toe say to its brethren?

a: i think we got off on the wrong foot.
e_o_i Oxford edition!

David timed his comment with my bathroom-going. He said through the door, "You spent six weeks in Germany and now...European!" (pronounced yer-a-peein').

Then, at the Ashmolean Museum, I pointed out a Greek statue missing two of its limbs. "Look, that reminds me of an Ernest Hemingway book," I said. What? he went. "A Farewell to Arms."
raze q: what do you call a smug piece of bread with a sunburn?

a: wry toast.
raze (this one's more depraved than corny, but here goes anyway.)

q: what was the male adult film star's favourite leonard_cohen song?

a: "came so far for beauty".
raze a man goes to see his doctor.

"doctor," he says. "i'm shrinking. what should i do?"

"i guess," the doctor says, "you'll just have to be a little patient."
raze q: what's a pig's favourite karate move?

a: the pork chop.
raze (this one is borrowed from andru.)

q: how can you tell if you're not over someone?

a: you still carry a porch for them.
raze two elderly lady nuts become fast friends. the first nut asks, "what did your husband do for a living?" the second nut replies, "he spent his life working in the world of macadamia." 230807
raze q: why is the sea so strong?

a: it's full of mussels.
raze q: why do you never hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

a: the p is silent.
raze you know how books lose weight? they have their appendixes removed. 231001
raze a man came home from work and asked his dog how his day was.

"ruff," the dog replied.
raze this seasonal selection was seen on a sign outside a store today:

"if athletes have athlete's foot, what do elves have? mistletoe!"
raze q: what do you call an incomplete intestine?

a: a semicolon.
raze q: how do you get a squirrel's attention?

a: climb a tree and act like you're nuts.
raze q: what do sprinters eat before a big race?

a: nothing. they fast.
what's it to you?
who go