silentbob Every time i come back here, see the faces and their smiles, hiding the frowns, disguising the pain, i feel so overwhelmed. There's just something about seeing the town you grew up in again. I feel a certain pain no matter where i am. And that's the name of this one. 020318
jinx I want to leave. 020321
silentbob because its sad when the nearest place with interesting people is algona. From one small town to a bigger small town. 020328
pilgrim Could be Milo. 020411
silentbob or Otis for that matter 020412
pilgrim This has gone to the dogs. 020413
blamethesky been there once to visit bobby
over a year ago.
i can't believe it's been so long.
silentbob come visit me again!
making out will ensue
guitar_freak danny's house...bobby was that your 18th birthday?
Dancing on cars
stray dogs running around on the open floor
nailpolish remover fires
massage cirles
singing and acoustic guitar
the ride home in a station wagon
tires and random shit piled beneath me
good times - crazy times
z means bobby in daxlese 031202
spoons on the right tracks...

spoons The guy with the (accidentally) split tongue.
Guitar_freak dancing on a car.
The cop pulling up.
Eating mashed potatoes.
Jesse in a gorilla suit.
The bed breaking.
Another Danny story.
Freeze pops and biscuits in the fridge.
When bobby drove a van.
The weird kid.
The drama.
Michelle's shoelaces.
Sitting on the stage during flight simulator.
Last time seeing flight simulator.
My "parents" bringing us home.
silentbob whose the weird kid? 031210
spoons The kid that always wore a t-shirt sleeve on his head...
And then later ski goggles..
danced the epileptic fit.
When we asked said he had his own car,
tried hard to be cool,
But when we asked for a ride home he squeaked back pre-pubecently,
"well.. its my moms... but I can use it until 11:30!"
People were mean to him, but I don't think he really understood it...
I think he always meant well...
silentbob i think i know who youre talking about, i hate that kid. but love him at the same time. weird 031231
the swinger of birches this place is like a gust of wind cast in my face. it is like train tracks that no steam engine will ever travel again. it is the feeling of being forgotten at the airport. it is a gray region that yeilds a horizon of sky and dead trees. pass over the west fork of the Des Moines River, and the bridge stands with memories of summer nights when deserted youth peered over its lip into the dark water below. 031231
what's it to you?
who go