kingsuperspecial whatever turns you propeller, freaky 011001
kingsuperspecial whatever turns your propeller, freaky 011001
kingsuperspecial whatever tunes you propellant, freaky 011001
kingsuperspecial watchover my porn stash, amen 011001
kingsuperspecial whatever turny you propeeler, freaky 011001
kingsuperspecial knock all you want, you can't come in. 011001
Teenage Jesus forgot to lock the door...again

Smell the Fire! (turn it up, I can't hear it- oh, wait...there it is...)
kingsuperspecial si, mia saviorita!
si, mia salivaorita!
si, mia slayorita!
si, mia selluratia
si, mia salt n' peppa!
Teenage Jesus The group "Salt and Peppa" always reminded me of the Kennedys at the dinner table.

"Teddy, could you pass the salt and peppa?"
paste! sumbody ate. why?
who are these goddamn harvesters?
satan satan satan "It was the freon!" she exclaimed. "Spores and caterpillars and plates of lacquered bacon."

The sound of it caused him to oscillate, wispy trails of smoke steaming up from his figertips
what's it to you?
who go