typhoid mm.
ful of crum?
^crum.*ful$ gives no matches...
Effingham Fish sunflower_seeds 020713
children of doom the god worshipped by Robert E. Howard's "Conan the Barbarian" 020713
god close to inez 030609
niska awww... bottle rocket? 030609
endless desire look at the crum
not of food
but of happiness
give it to the poor girl
screaming in the corner
because she has forgotten how to cry.

look at the penny
yes of money
but not of happiness
give it to the rich man
screaming in the corner
because he has forgotten how to cry.

look at the pen
not of words
but of knowledge
give it to the starving artist
screaming in the corner
because he has forgotten how to cry.

look at the knowledge
not of hours spent
but words memorized
give it to the scholar
screaming in the corner
because he has forgotten how to cry.

look at the crum
not of food
but of happiness
give it to the poor girl
screaming in the corner
because she has forgotten how to cry.

i have forgotten how to cry.
what's it to you?
who go