Piso Mojado an enthralling book by Harvard Ethnobotonist, Wade Davis. Do zombi's exist? If so how do they become zombies: through a potion or through social conditioning? And how does this all tie into Haitian vodoun culture?
"It's a truly meaningful and insightful account that speaks to everyone in some sense, so bear with it's technicalness if you can"
colourful and clever the_rainbow_serpent

he who made the world
Piso Mojado "He knew the story of King Da, the incarnation of the Serpent, which is the eternal beginning, never ending, who took his pleasure mystically with a queen who was the Rainbow, patroness of the Waters and of all Bringing Forth"

A. Carpentier,
"The Kingdom of This World"
tonton macoute "I_wanna_hear_you_scream" 030505
jane i saw the movie 030505
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who go