cocoon people scraping frost off their windshields.

scrape scrape scrape
cr0wl people cutting up firewood from trees that fell in the wind storm

buzz buzz buzz
unhinged a barbershop quartet singing 'let me call you sweetheart' to the love of his life laurie in the coffeeshop i'm in 090214
unhinged raindrops thrumming and tinkling in the roof puddles outside my windows 090307
cr0wl the pounding of the slegehammer against wooden stakes. 090307
unhinged the close hum of my refrigerator
the distant hum of a bus passing by

(i don't listen to music in the mornings much anymore)
tilt birdsong 090319
cr0wl a siamese cat accidently left outside crying with obvious injustice to be let back in and then proceed to explain the trauma of his life threatening experience. 090320
unhinged rain falling on the rooftop puddles outside my windows
past sunshine beating down on pavement as kids play in their sparse front lawns and the street out front. 090425
cocoon this was actually yesterday,
but it was definitely hip-hoppy dubstep

file under:
matty g [my 808's]
unhinged the hissing of the radiator (fuck yes)

the eraser (album) - thom_yorke
christmas songs
raze quiet
but not silent
flux prot and eugene (and the rest of oregon) are much quieter than brooklyn. but the noise in one's head is inversely proportional to the noise in one's environment. 140727
flowerock lastnight/earlythismorning fire alarms in the apartment building. I thought it was the tsunami siren/alarm and was deciding which hill was talest, closest, and most shielded from debris and wave... luckily it was just an accidental fire alarm. I laughed lots when the fire truck came flying towards the building. two bulky industrial screing things, on attracting the other. the truck quieted the building. This part of the city is strange, empty and clean looking.

thismorning... the drilling, of the sidewalk dentist.
and the waiting game when roomate enters bathroom jut as i have to poo... waiting to see if after the toilette paper tears he turns onthe shower or not, he did.
unhinged the rumble of thunder in the middle of the night waking me up

the cooing of morning doves and quails

the lizards sliding across the rocks
raze the distant scream of some strange machine. 221013
what's it to you?
who go