littel_elf Flower_nectar is more than a refreshing drink, more than a nourishing liquid, and it does more than cool you upon a hot day.

Flower_nectar refreshes the spirit and soothes the soul.

Drink deeply if thee be wounded, physically or elsewise, for flower_nectar heals all.

A gurgling fountain is found in this clearing, its liquid pearlescent, reflecting all colors in a soft rainbow.

Cup_flowers grow nearby. Drink your fill.
birdmad once upon a time, i would have been more in fear of hummingbirds than vampire bats, though at the time, i might have willingly allowed it to happen that way 030129
littel_elf hence your name? your craze for wingéd things? 030130
littel_elf oh, nm. I recall reading the genesis of your name in birdmad. 030204
what's it to you?
who go