me? a great word.
4 main definitions:

1) "imaginary afterbirth attributed to dutch women, brought about by sitting over a stove" (something like that)
2) "abortive literary project or such"
3) "a dutchman"

i forget the fourth. go look it up yourself...

"if the devil did assume thy corpse and travel through the holland dorps, thou wouldst terrify the sooterkins."
amy like oedipus. 000308
Edward I came across this in a cellar hunched woman tide of recriminations curled up little thing in a cellar behind a stove its father fathered by a stove logged by a diurnnaliste sooty little sootykin crazy thick slick explosion of hair everywhere darting greyly black blacly grey follows the baby gasping winking into the room 040422
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