kingsuperspecial there is squillo in my eye
oh acka acka acka
there is bellmelba in my eye
oh macka macka macka
there is tootonjick in my eye
oh locka locka locka
my baby's burning moat_burp
is getting me quite high.

pat sajak duke_of_prunes 010807
baby satan some day, this great man will finally gain acceptance in the face of reptile prostitution. adulation in the midst of concave fudge--the viscocity of which, i might add, isn't as some feel it should be. they can all molest themselves with candy canes.

vanderfookin will prevail! i will give his words resonance, and a healthy dose of narcassistic masturbation. but first, a month or so of intensive nosehair removal.
what's it to you?
who go