skinny "it doesn't seem like anything we're saying or doing is making any since" - brock

i pro'lly got half the quotes wrong any damn way
dosquatch Hello, you again. Are you still around, or am I by myself out here? 040530
skinny yeah 040530
dosquatch So, who is brock? 040530
skinny isaac, modest mouse fella 040530
skinny do you like them? 040530
dosquatch never heard of him/them, but the quotes seem interesting enough. I take it you like them? 040530
skinny see 'whats_up' 040530
skinny yeah, they're decent. mostly the lyrics 040530
mippy moo moo dont kno who you are, but i love modest mouse. very refreshing to listen to them, and entertaining and thought-provoking as well. 040912
what's it to you?
who go