tessa here
I'm stuck
going round and round
the same thoughts, conversations
over and over
I'm tired of it

I want to stop
I want to end my denial
stop looking for things that are
long dead

I am going away
far far from here
he said "there's no point running away"
but surely
running away is the best thing to do
after you have fought and fought
and nothing changes
maybe it is my staying is what is keeping it going
maybe I just have to walk away
it is worth a try

Maybe far away
things will be different
maybe they won't
tessa it's a matter of facing my fears
being so scared of change
as I am
I feel that the best thing to do
is embrace it
make a massive change
uproot everything
force it on myself

am I just trying to cheat the process? by making the change myself, I manage to feel in control of it.

How can I let myself accept that I will never be in control? That it will happen without be, despite me?
tessa i'm going
and i'm taking as many other with me as i can

wanna come?
flux curious
or, as the subgenius say,
"repent! quit your job! slack off! the world ends tomorrow, and YOU may die!"

i've contemplated this option, but i don't think it's for me. i think it's as important to affect the system, as it is to adapt myself, and my surroundings.
pilot slowly
so that i will slip away
in silence

and not one
word will be uttered
from your lips

before you will
have realized that
i have disappeared.
what's it to you?
who go