epitome of incomprehensibility The dream_woman was the night before.

Today it was back to clothes and crafts (after a worrying recurrence of an oddly specific dream theme that also involved crafts).

My artisan specialty was making mobiles made up of a doll-like figurine surrounded by miniature clothes on hangers.

Now, the clothes had to be my clothes originally; I could shrink them with my mind. So sometimes I took an item off the mobile if I still wanted to wear it in real life: a velvety black lace-and-embroidered vest got that treatment.

I briefly wondered if it might be easier to simply sew the things. I could make a myself a niche sewing doll clothes, since I was good with tiny things.
e_o_i *make myself a niche (removing the extra "a" - although maybe that "a" is the niche? the past-tense augment? the dream-tense augment?) 220227
e_o_i More like a dream craft fair, but last night Mom and I were preparing for a church-basement craft fair. I decided the mini-deserts I was cutting up should be worth 25 cents each, but then I ran across some "mini cards" (really folded wrapping paper). THOSE should be 25 cents, the smallest amount, and the brownies and such, 50.

With that momentous decision, I awoke - and was disappointed not to be in the craft-fair setting anymore. If I'm not too stressed out, I dig that shit.



-I have an actual craft fair to prepare for in less than a month (Dorval Artisans big one is in November)

-The last craft fair/bake sale I went to was in the basement of Valois United Church (I got a cloth bag with a sewn lining for only $10, was impressed)

-My dream two nights ago also had a church in it: Livingstone Presbyterian crossed with Salisbury Cathedral. And it was Catholic.

-The miniature book display at the JPL apparently left an impression! I'm fascinated by miniature books and used to make them with stapled-together paper.

-In a meeting at Dorval Artisans, one person said we should be moderately picky about the crafts we accept - "you can't just fold a piece of paper once and call that a craft"
e_o_i what_is_craft ...is annoying me because my dream last night had something to do with crafts, but I forget it. 220719
e_o_i Following dream_warning_label and a time of drowsy wakefulness, I'm dreaming but unaware of it.

I'm in my room and it's light out, which means it's craft-planning time. I envision a clay-made pin proclaiming "I ship [Israel flag] x [Palestine flag]," and proceed to think up elaborate decorations: should the text's background be an actual ship shape? Be held up by a boat? Maybe there should be a canal somewhere...

...and then I'm off into a_purpleless_world.

O dream_mind! "I ship Israel x Palestine" is actually pretty funny...okay, to me. And possibly my cousin Lia.

But I don't know how mainstream "ship" is as a synonym for "link together romantically" (short for "relationship). Do people use this outside of fanfiction? Anyway, I'd surround the text by hearts rather than an actual ship, to elucidate the concept.

Another funny thing is that I thought making flag shapes would be easy. "I can just select them from the emoji list" went my sleeping mind. YEAH, THERE'S NO EMOJI LIST FOR FIMO/SCULPEY CLAY. ffs. get_real.
e_o_i ...making one of those now would be a bit more daring, I suspect...

But this dream is about the crafts requested by the organizer of a dream_club called the Landmark Atheists. The man's name is J.D. Vance but he isn't related to the politician.

His hobby is astronomy, but now he wants to turn that into a craft, so he's made maps of constellations with tacks and strings on cloth and he's hiring me to sew them, or to teach his club members how to sew, like everyone else has to learn when he does.

(That's just what we need in the world, I thought when I woke up. An atheist astronomer-crafter cult.)
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