flux hmm. reversion to previous themes.
i'm with a group of people, at a house somewhere in the countryside. i take off, riding a ... chair. it's got four casters, and is fairly sturdy. i meander about the countryside, but end up getting lost. i think i know where i'm going, but i can't seem to find my way back to the house. it's strange, i thought i knew the area so well.. i end up riding down a long hill.. the chair is safe enough to ride, but is not so easy to steer, and i almost collide with an oncoming car. after this, i start slowing myself down whenever i feel that i'm going to fast, by dragging my feet on the ground. i pass an intersection, with a sign saying "dead end lane" or "last chance lane" or something to that effect. or something else. i can't remember. it leads off into a thicket of tall skinny trees, many branches but bare of leaves. i can't see very far down the road. i'm traveling fast and i don't think that's the right direction, though maybe i think i should turn around.. but i'm going downhill, and it's much easier. fields of grass roll away on either side of the road, like cow pastures.. after a while, i come upon a little town, that seems to consist entirely of a single gas station and a single inn. the town is named.. "where where". the inn is the "where where inn". i find this slightly odd, but i remember hearing the name at some point in the past.. the road at this point has turned unpaved, yet soft and dusty. the chair continues to roll through with very little problem. however, just around the next bend i come upon an uphill stretch. the chair, not being self powering, is useless at this point, and i now have to drag it up the hill. i think that maybe if i go far enough up the hill, i'll be able to see where i need to go or be.. i pass people on the hill, which makes me feel uncomfortable, for some reason i cannot remember. i climb, and climb, and come to a point in the road.. it's an interesting point, and leaves very confused memories.. i am talking to a person, maybe two.. and i feel compelled to travel back down the hill.. but at this point i no longer have the chair, and need a quicker way down than that which i came up. i think that the point i am at is a fork in the road, one way leading left and upwards into a landscape i recognize from other dreams, and the other leading right and down.. but now i see that the rightward path is really just a dry stream bed, and i can't tell if it extends more than a couple dozen feet. i turn around and talk some more, turn around again, and i see now that the stream bed covers up the beginning of a rugged dirt road. i set out this way, but the road quickly deteriorates, and i end up wading through thick, tall, dead grass. i reach the bottom of the hill fairly quickly, and find that there are a couple of points of pain on my leg. i remove part of my pantleg and see a tick on my ankle. i brush it slightly, and it comes off easily, but i feel a pain as strong as a bee sting. it leaves no mark, though. i find another tick on my upper arm and brush it away without it having bit me. i examine the rest of my body for ticks, and don't find any. i continue on to the town of "where where". m, my cousin from alaska, is waiting there. i think she was part of the original group of people i was with. we now need to call them and tell them where we are. there is a payphone out front of the inn.. the inn is two stories, though the lower story is four or five steps about ground level. the entire building is made of pine, and gives the impression of a small inn from a spaghetti western. the pay phone is on the porch out front of the inn.. it's a curious animal, sitting on a strange black iron perch, that looks like it's been cut by a madman on an enormous lathe. the little black iron phone book holder is missing it's phone book though, so we can't call. we go inside of the inn to ask if they have a phone book.. and memory fragments again. billiard table, low, musky lighting, and undefined boundaries receding into blackness.. the man at the front counter has a phone book, on the counter propped up between other books.. people's behavior becomes strange and reptilian, and at this point i think i wake up.
what's it to you?
who go