cake when you tried to feed me,
I only shut my mouth
Aimee The one cartoon I actually related to. I just wish they hadn't cancelled it. 011023
Britney (looking at the blue and yellow jello)
Wow! There really is a school spirit! Spooky.
silentbob betrayal
yah, you're stabbin my back
yah, i'm up on a rack
Aimee Jodie - Good afternoon students, faculty, and distinguished alumni of Lawndale High. As a representative of your student council... Any ideas?

Daria - It is my privilege today to once again send the message that learning is no substitute for winning.

Jane - And that it's not how hard you study. It's how hard you play football.
distorted tendencies Why'd they cancel this show? 020322
A L I E N (i bleed acid) because it ate away at available airtime for more reruns of the fucking real world and road rules

(or that prime example of how not creative they've become..real world VS road rules)

fuck, that horse is dead, they should stop beating it already

"reality" TV, my ass.

i'd tune in if they killed the random hapless participant, though. one less irritating suburbanite sterotype each week
spoons self proclaimed dictator of a nonexistent empire 020827
guitar_freak BEST EVER- For any of you how have been or are going through college admissions processes you have to rent the Daria movie Is it college yet? Ohh my god it is so funny because it is all true. 030309
raze quinn: "you shouldn't make fun, daria. there are some mysteries that are just beyond our knowledge."

daria: "like the fact that the human ego is bloated enough to believe the force that created the universe gives a crap about our blowouts."
what's it to you?
who go