tsiindii if memory serves...
It means "beautiful"

In the language of the Dine`

She comes from the clan of the
Salt Water People.

Hers rooted in the ancients, the Tall House People, descended from the two, First_man and First_woman who crossed through the four worlds

and the blood that colours me almost the same, from clans and tribes whose names i will never know, from the deep rainforests and pyramids from the calendar makers from the rooted from the descendants of Qucumatz and Tepeu

Huitzitlipochtli, the war god, conceived from a ball of feathers, who sprang forth, armed, from the womb of Coatlique
to slay his sister the moon_goddess and his brothers the_four_hundred_sons
who, in death, became the stars.

sign me devil
grendel here in the fifth world

i am the secret i can never tell
what's it to you?
who go