27 August 2004 01 +
. * a_wrong_war_in_21k *

Invasion & Occupation in Iraq from 20 Mar 2003 to "actual" and "Physical" date of Cut_and_run ( TBD )

Finger Produce_NO_evil 040827
Moon kx21 Sistani_returned_to_iraq_to_'save'_the_holy_city,
given the_Images_of_Americans...

Tell one why_NOT...
And_I_will_tell_you_how_wonder_you_are... 040827
:) 1) iLink "producing NO evil" 123:-

The_Message_from_Heaven 040827
2) 32_more_to_1000_full_sized_commemorative_coffins 040827
. and More_than_11317_Iraqi_civilians_have_been_killed in US-led War - Invasion and Occupation in Iraq Since 20 March 2003... 040827
3) Ten_supreme_hearts_rule_the_world 040827
Amen. 040827
Yahoo! Search News Stories
- Militants Turn Over Keys to Najaf Shrine - AP via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Bush Admits Iraq 'Miscalculations' in Times Interview - Reuters via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Iraq Rebels Leave Najaf Shrine, Hand in Weapons - Reuters via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Iraqi Police Take Control of Najaf Mosque Area - Reuters via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Bush Acknowledges Iraq 'Miscalculation' - AP via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Tentative Accord Reached in Najaf to Halt Fighting - at The New York Times (reg. req'd) (Aug 27, 2004)
- Journalist From Italy Killed in Iraq by Captors - at The New York Times (reg. req'd) (Aug 27, 2004)
. News Stories
- Shiite militia leader surrenders control of shrine stronghold - AFP via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Sistani ends the siege - at The Economist (Aug 27, 2004)
- Powell Praises Najaf Peace Agreement - AP via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Sadr militias must not regroup: Powell - AFP via Yahoo! News (Aug 27, 2004)
- Sistani, Sadr Reach Deal - at ArabNews (Aug 27, 2004)
- Mandela_Clark_expected_to_join_defense_of_Saddam - at ArabicNews (Aug 27, 2004)
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