unhinged my aunt called me the other day because it was my birthday. it was surprising that she called.

(she always called me, my mom, and my brother the dumb polacks in the family. she's so conservative and ignorant i want to spit on her sometimes)

it was surprising that she called.

she asked me 'do you feel older?' i was in the red rock mountains near sedona standing at a lookout watching the sunset on the mountains.

i said 'no not really'

but today i was sitting at home alone talking to myself, washing dishes, watching bad tv on the internet and i realized i feel very old. very lonely. only the thin air and blather to share my life with. damn. *sigh*
unhinged (this last year sucked. hard. but on_the_other_hand i'm slightly better at sticking up for myself and sharing my feelings before they rot) 101013
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