raze sometimes i think about this dream i had nine years ago.

i loved someone, but she was gone by the time i understood that. the last thing i said to her was, "i remember the first time i ever saw you. you had purple wings. the first thing you said to me was, 'it's like i'm floating all the time'."

she was as real as anyone i've ever known. she believed in reincarnation. she told me when she died she wanted to come back as two fireflies. one for each of my eyes.

i found myself alone in the bare living room of a house that was all hardwood floors and high ceilings. it didn't feel like anyone else had ever been there. it didn't feel like anyone else would ever be there after i left.

a group of fireflies appeared overhead. tiny clusters of magic light. two of them broke away from the others and flew toward me. they stopped right in front of my face and hovered there, each one having zeroed in on one of my eyes.

i can't begin to tell you what i felt.
epitome of incomprehensibility (Compliments to your dream mind and writing mind alike: this is beautiful. I almost but not quite guessed that "lampyridae" meant firefly before I looked it up.) 210829
tender square i second e_o_i: this moved me to no end.

it's motivating me to write about a synchronistic experience i had years ago, but i don't think i can render it with as much sophistication and beauty as what you have here.

(p.s. one of my fave form poems i've ever written is an oulipo about fireflies. my backyard fills with them and it's the most stunning thing i've ever seen)
raze my dream mind and my writing mind thank you both. (and don't doubt your beauty-rendering skills for a secondyou've got 'em in spades.) 210830
kerry my subconscious envies yours for creating? painting? shaping? a dream like that. and dreams are hard to write about, or write about well anyway. this feels real.

(tender square: i felt my shoulders and neck relax when you said your backyard has so many fireflies. though i call them lightning_bugs. my last yard had a lot of them and it was the first time i'd seen so many since i was a kid. i was afraid maybe they weren't so common anymore. it's kind of a mystical sight you know?
what's it to you?
who go