birdmad in black 010130
trompasaurus from the dead 010416
Webley To where I came from, my head 020414
solitary It breaks my heart
to think of your face, in all its beauty and honesty and loyalty -
you'd never hurt anyone! Least of all, me -
to remember your kiss
Oh, your kiss ...
it was soft and uncompromising on my cheek.

You gave me everything.
I was all yours and I was your world.
And I threw it all away.
And for what?
For days of doubt and fleeting thrills?

You were-
you are-
my only

And I will earn your trust,
and earn your love again.
I will have you again, my love.

Because you're mine,
and I'm yours.

And we belong in each other's arms.
silentbob i like you back 041013
just listening and he's back
as if nothing got destroyed
mindpop My back is a lot better than right after my stroke, when I hunched forward with my stroke side. It was painful to always be hunching over. Now I can get my back and shoulder into the correct position, but I have to stop and think about it. Hopefully my brain will get the picture and automatically stay correct. Patience is frustrating. 121003
mindpop My back is a lot better than right after my stroke, when I hunched forward with my stroke side. It was painful to always be hunching over. Now I can get my back and shoulder into the correct position, but I have to stop and think about it. Hopefully my brain will get the picture and automatically stay correct. Patience is frustrating. 121014
what's it to you?
who go