Mahayana The delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom 030813
oldephebe keep peeling away those layers

revolutions toward enlightenment
phil mif 031003
Turkey Rebirth. Auspicious rebirth, by grace of the Buddha. Into what form? By who's standards is it auspicious? Nonvirtues cleansed by the Buddha Akshobhya, but who decides what a nonvirtue is? One man's nonvirtue is another man's holy of holies.

Who decides?
* maybe they can decide together? 050324
Turkey Who is 'they'?

Akshobhya, the Immovable One. Does he decide who decides? In his Pure Land, the fair Abhirati, does he sit in judgement over those who would be reborn? Are all nonvirtues able to be wiped away, or are some things too evil to be cleaned.

Out, damn spot.

Who decides?
what's it to you?
who go