carrion bird "Stop picking at that or it will never heal" 010603
silentbob marla singer is like the wound on the roof of your mouth that would go away if you could only stop tounging it. 010719
somniac and i just can't stop picking at it
just can't stop

and every time i do, it gets worse
pushes it deeper

and i wish it was gone
i dream about resolution, reconciliation,
forgiveness, the return of friendship

but there is no way it can ever be fixed now
just no way
no way back

i wish i could let it heal
i'm scared i'll wear this scab forever
birdmad "well the tiniest little dot
my eye
and it turned out
to be a scab
and i had this funny feeling
like i just knew
it was something bad
i just couldn't leave it alone
kept picking at that scab
turns out it was a doorway
trying to seal itself shut
but i climbed through"

excerpt from Nine Inch Nails "only"
raze there was a girl i used to see on the school bus. i would have been about ten. she must have been a year or two younger than me. i never saw her in class. i never knew her name.

what i remember are her hands.

there were all these round red things on the back of her left hand. small berries, i thought. something you'd see in someone's garden. she would pick at them with the nails on her right hand until they bled, wounding them to keep them locked in a state of perpetual growth.

she was always so calm. like it didn't hurt at all.
what's it to you?
who go