belly fire I'm right here.

popsicles, open fridge, koolaid carpets, bastard, talk show host table, glow in the dark pjs and stepping on the cat, stealth walking, m&m meats, bus rides, rides to work, crappy jobs, throw-up front lawns, lawn boys, eggheads, dan two cells, flat feet...SLAP!, halloween stunts, taking a break with the groceries, your bedroom was nothing but deoderant, old gum, receipts and bags, bill collectors, the R is for Rachel, pill bug infestation, rotten potatoes, cats that fart, pen pals, stumbling home, a year of freedom, garage sales, sunriiiiise sunset in the caribbean, paul and jeffrey, stinky watches, bras in couches, potty poo lights, the smell of the attic in the summer, have to go to the bathroom, vanishing point on the subfloor, evil cat in the corner, cleanup after billions of dinners, 10 boxes of cereal from university, emails, letters, cards when I needed them most (grassy ass), puffy duvet, mish the puke eater, answering machine messages, rearranging the basement, slugs, meh, filthified and all the madeup words, all nighters, couch nap-a-thons, trips to ikea, falling curtains, dana, magnetic poetry, simpsims, cold cock from the fridge, laugh attacks, art attacks, smathryn, kat in the hat, smathryn mckathryn, kat, katkatkatkat katty katkat, smee suh mee suuuuh meeee smmmmeeee smeeeeee SMEE!

don't miss me.
we're both here.
what's it to you?
who go