DammitJanet It's weird not having him here tonite. I did the usual "Hi Mish!" when i walked through the front door, even though it was me who dropped him off at the vets this morning and wasn't allowed to pick him up. He has to stay overnight. His first night away from home. He's gonna be mighty pissed when he gets back, he was mad enough this morning, wouldn't even make eye contact with me when i left him in the office. I didn't want to take him to the vets 3 times, but his damn ear kept filling up with blood, and the 3rd times the charm. It's the cue to do surgery. I know it wasn't a serious one but i still worried, he's my baby afterall. When i'm with him, he gladly sits on my shoulder while the vet gives him all the needles, the tests, the checkups. But with me not there this morning, they had quite a struggle. He hissed, he growled, he bit, he fought, they couldnt control him enough to sedate him. He was scared. He was mad. He's one unhappy kitty.

*My kitty has a first name, it's M-I-S-H-A. My kitty has a second name, it's S-T-I-N-K*

Poor stink. He'll probably get me back by chewing my bamboo and humping my stuffed animals.
what's it to you?
who go