oE = worthless 040414
oE eerr i meant floccinauccinihilipilification means worthless not i! 040414
realsillyistic optimist got it.
floccinauccinihilipilification = worthless.
oE = worthless.
floccinauccinihilipilification =/= i.
ergo, i =/= worthless.
i =/= oE.
therefore, i am not oE, nor am i worthless!!
thank you for that affirmation, oE!
. it wasnt him. 040415
misstree floccinaucinihilipilification, dahlink.

whenever it was that bsc corrected my spelling on word_of_the_day on this, i kept repeating the spelling to myself all day. if i'm relatively sober, i can still get through it. i get lost in that nihilipilifi part in the middle, though.
minnesota_chris but the nihili part is the "reduce to nothing" part. The part of the word in nihilist!

Ya, ve are nihilists, ve believe in NOTHINK!
misstree then what's the pilifi? 040415
boffin nihil from latin meaning nothing 040415
realistic optimist pilfer? 040415
what's it to you?
who go