frAnk what is it about the deserted beach that compels you to write? 020526
Sonya I live in a realm of constant contradiction. It is an island surrounded by large cities. The island known as Alameda, and to some "the mini hell". My street lines a deserted beach. It is a small beach that is rarely frequented by your typical 'beach goers' (bikini clad women, surfers, etc etc.)

The deserted beach inspires me and at times is the place where I go to write. Each person seems to have his or her own place of thought...a place where they can go to unlock their dreams, reveal their fears, or jot down a theory or two.

I realize how rare it is to have the fortune of living right across the street from such a tranquil place. In the midst of the traffic jams and crowded city streets, I can always head home and walk right to my beach. It has a name, but to me it is like my very own forest or cave, only in the shape of soft sand cradled by the waves of the bay.

The best thing about it is whenever I go there at night (it's so deserted it's actually safe...when you've nearly been lost in East Oakland's ghetto, you come to realize what "safe" really means). Oops, I seem to write in parentheses a lot...must be a bad habit.

Anyway, when I go there at night I can turn full circle in the sand and see the city lights of the bay bridge, the skyscrapers, and piers of San Francisco, the lights of homes in the Oakland hills, and sometimes a ferry boat carrying lovers. I have often laid in the sand, disregarding its invasion of my hair and stared up at the stars. They are numerous, and at the same time consoling. When one is often alone in a crowded area, the stars come to be your constant in life. They listen in silence, but they are always listening when everyone else might be on their cell phone or cursing the driver who just cut them off. The stars visible from this beach are what I call the friends who are always there long enough to pass a dreary night.

My, I did not realize how much I've rambled about this beach. I hope in some small way I have answered your question frank. If you have anymore questions, you may always ask me though I've often felt that I didn't deserve an innerview section . Kop khune mauch as they say in Thai. Thank you very much. :) It is also nice to know that I am still remembered as the sullen feline. I am happy to say that these days I am not so sullen anymore. Perhaps I am a fearless feline now. ;)
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