It used to be impossible for me to believe that energy is real. Now though, with three open eyes, I see it everywhere and I realize that, once, it was my one true fear. With an awoken mind I realize that fueled my rage, my lust, my love, that it fueled me in everything. In denial of it, unable to touch it, it controled me. A thirsty man in a flooding rain storm unable to find a drink. The smartest men can sometimes be the greatest fools. For when I tipped my head to the skies and opened my mouth to curse the gods I found my drink. I found it dripping from my hair, beating me in the face, and pooling at my feet. I found it filled the oceans, I found it drifted through the sky, and that it shaped the earth. Energy is everywhere and only fools deny it. I know now why being near the ocean makes me feel so good, why a good party is a good party and a bad one is bad, and I know why I love to make you cum.
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i can see it but i can't feel it. perhaps this is what the third eye is for. i wish i had that pinging sensation back.
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wish granted, for both of us it seems.
what's it to you?