chiidi duck into the men's room just ahead of the custodians, before they can close it for the few minutes it takes them to clean the place...relieve the urgent pressure building up in my bladder, run to the center stall, so as not to be overwhelmed by the incredible stench coming off of the vagrant at the far pissoir with his pants and his drawers around his ankles seeminly airing out his stench

shake off the last drop, tuck myself back in and zip up,. go to wash my hands and move for the door only to discover that the vagrant is blocking the path to the doorway, pants still around his ankles, dirty, soggy-looking briefs twisted up around his waist he is bent over scratching his ankles, heedless of the people trying to get in around him or of their requests to go by

"excuse me, please" they tell him, but he remains unmoved except to ask someone the time, as if perhaps he had a schedule to keep

It is not until he senses the weight of my stare and sees my lips drawing back from my teeth and hears the low rumbling growl i make from the deepest place in my voicebox that he takes the hint and moves himself to a less obstrusive corner of the room

the suit and tie folks who have come into the room to drain the proverbial lizard, the same ones who i see in here every day...they all look vaguely frightened of me, but that's ok, the ones who can move, unobstructed to an open toilet look grateful and fairly relieved
unhinged often when i meditate i cry
for the coarseness of the world
for the coarseness stuck inside myself
but you know
i believe that positivity can change the world
if it allowed me to love myself
it can do anything
what's it to you?
who go