shadow le crowl
do you have an obligation to your own sanity? why?
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abso-bloomin'-lutely. insanity is your creative self getting too far ahead of your whole being. a harmonius integration is impossible, because you haven't had the patience to cultivate it in this, or some previous life (if you believe in that stuff). you owe it to yourself to evolve slow enough to do it right. and that would be "sanely". so, the, truly_difficult is an indication of needing to slow down and or increase the dose. of course, i can never tell what on earth i'm trying to say at first since i'm usually, sanely or insanely, on some intuitive streak. it throws the whole heroic mythos into some other arena, though.
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this should be rillian
yes. because there are those who love you and are depending on your sanity. they need you in your right mind to fullfill your promises and responsibilities. and don't forget to be curious always like a child alone. discovery of treasure is the reason we should wake. and every hour exists a gift, wrapped and pleasant. time for love. time to share the love.
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to lose one's sanity is to unplug from the notself. disconnection. languages diverge. without frame of reference, self is lost, outline undefined. one becomes purposeless to others, and stagnant due to lack of growth from input. no new pieces added to the whole that are not entirely made of the self. without growth is death. introduction of new elements is life. without communication is absolute loneliness. utter connection to notself is love. value your sanity if you value life and love.
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something to rub up against. and flirt with.
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it's all dead to me now. i spent too much time insanely miserably alone because of all of it. spent too many years trying to help/love the unhelpable. it's over. hey all of you fuckers, it's over.
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Sanity Is Lame
Forget your obligation to sanity, try obligating your life to understanding its brother!
what's it to you?