epitome of incomprehensibility I was just thinking on the theme of having strong convictions or suspicions that turn out to be wrong (or partly wrong). I think "trust your gut" makes sense to some people, but not to everyone.

(The only clear message my gut sends is "Don't eat dairy products without added lactase; they'll make you gassy." I like my colon's use of semicolons there. My intestines have good grammar, at least.)

I guess I'm not that intuitive, though my younger brother is to a high degree, and anyone that says women are more intuitive than men can... I dunno, regard the two of us as a freakish exception, I guess. I mean, he can predict quite accurately who's into whom and who's angry at whom (before it shows very obviously), though his tendency in the second case is to avoid confrontation rather than risking getting caught in the fray. I don't blame him.
unhinged my psychic abilities are dull right now cause i havent been meditating, but when i sit regularly the universe throws all kinds of things in my path 150424
what's it to you?
who go