chiidi the opposite of what this place should be

a place where people are willing, at every turn to trade freedom for the illusion of security

the rate of violent crimes falls, but the population of our prisons has gone beyond their capacity

the great moralists in our legislative houses do nothing to aid the hungry and the homeless, choosing instead, to focus on things like flag-burning and what people can and cannot look at on the internet, what books people should or shourld not read, what version of human history should be taught in schools and trying to impose one version of one religion on a diverse people

the same people who will endorse military action to defend the interests of the same entities that criminalize everyday life (considereing the consequences of what happens if you should fall behind on any fiduciary obligations, yes, poverty IS a crime in amerika) will raise the banner of peace and non-violence when action is needed to defend the innocent (because starving refugees don't contribute to re-election campaigns, but the people who create them do)

...they had always been at war with Oceania
arinna where about half the people either feel that their vote is useless or don't care enough to use it.
where the "news" covers the most entertaining story, not the most important.
where schools pride themselves on high test scores, not students who can think for themselves.
where we have powerful officials who think environmental legislation is only useful when it is beneficial to their big business supporters.
where the government orders sanctions that do nothing to powerful leaders, but prevent basic medical supplies from reaching the sick.
where us suburban rich kids can sit in our veritable castles and worry about teen angst or the latest party as the country withers outside of our windows.
what's it to you?
who go