squint I saw it between the japanese folk song and the rubber toothbrush, busy without crickets or those gloves that snowmen are denied.

i wrote paste an email by accident. I think I spilled some letters on the mirror by my feet. oops!
paste! fire_breathing_goat 020723
squint eat my flying potato!! the science is out of the bag and its chasing a cocker spaniels trigger paw! the email is being processed. CCCCCCCCKKKKKKK, ZZZZZZZZZTTTTTT, WHIR WHIR WHIR!!!! 020723
drstrangelove is paste is shallow hal's friend? 020724
paste! is fuck shallow hal is 020724
phil today 020729
whitechocolatewalrus yesterday because yesterday is the same as today. 031208
what's it to you?
who go