
Further to this finding of a brain
abnormality in bipolar patients, with psychosis in particular, Sax, Strakowski,
Zimmerman, DelBello, Keck, & Hawkins (1999) suggest that certain neuroanatomic
structures are associated with attentional dysfunction in mania. In their study, bipolar
patients with mania performed poorly on a Continuous Performance Test (as expected).
After MRI, a correlation between prefrontal and hippocampal volume and Continuous
Performance Test results was established. Specifically, the results suggest that
abnormalities in the frontosubcortical neuroanatomic circuit are associated with impaired
attentional functioning in patients with mania. Coordinating with this focus on
abnormalities specifically existing in mania, Blumberg, Stern, Ricketts, Martinez, Asis,
White, Epstein, Isenberg, McBride, Kemperman, Emmerich, Dhawan, Eidelberg, Kocsis,
& Silbersweig (1999) investigated prefrontal cortex function in the manic state of bipolar
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