unhinged the tibetans were onto something in those high altitude meditation caves

the combination of visualization
and mantra repetition
does something magical
to the human brain

i have these flashes of insight sometimes when i do the sadhana practice. sometimes they are visual insights that become paintings. sometimes they are thoughts, related to the holy syllables my mouth has on repeat, an ancient language that only my heart can comprehend. magical wisdom nuggets get stirred up from the soup and flash themselves across my interior landscape.

one second my mind is trying to picture a beautiful coal black woman so angry her mouth is hanging open releasing the love that can dispel the hate if the world. the next second another quieter voice in the back of my mind says: the point isn't to end suffering. it's to transcend it.

and then my tongue stumbles over the sanskrit in my mouth that i very well could be mispronouncing and i focus back in on the visualization. things continue to bubble up in my conscious. some strong enough to present themselves as ideas. it is a constant ebb and flow of attention and awareness. a cosmic dance meditators in the lineage i practice have been dancing for millenia.

i dedicate my merit and take my newly exposed heart out into the world.
unhinged today she told me:

even the afraid are worthy of honor

there is a hell of a lot in this world that needs protecting

nirvana doesn't end suffering, it transcends it.
unhinged it's ok that you miss him; you left the situation with minimal regret

it's ok to laugh at his confusion when he didn't get the ending he seemed to be hoping for; sometimes no is the wisest syllable.

it's ok to need cleansing and reassurance along the path
unhinged (maybe his place was to show that what your heart truly wants exists even if he couldn't be the one to give it to you no matter the guilt and shame others may try to assign to the situation.

a pure heart has the discipline to stop before others get hurt)
what's it to you?
who go