Hallkwik An awesomely great film about a boy - Donnie Darko - who.. well, if i said anything about the plot, it might ruin the whole thing... but not really :)
Just rent it and you'll see what i mean.
The Man in the Rockin Bunny Suit An excellent film, I fell in love with it as soon as i watched it the first time, deeper in love the second time, and my infatuation has not faltered ever since..... 020726
Cicero Last night she brought this movie over, this crazy movie called Donnie Darko. It was a philosophical blitz on my already throbbing lobes. I liked it. It's like a wormhole leading curl-out of this claustorphobic earth. Outside the skies are blacker (and wider).

All that's true. But I think the best part was her company.
belly fire awesome flick
rent it watch it love it!
art choke 'sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion!!'
i love every character, i want to be in that world. oh, and if you pay attention, in one of the scenes with jim cunningham, he slaps a kid's ass...which makes more sense later in the film...and kitty is so insane(see above quote.'sparkle motion') and the student who snorts in the hall, and makes fun of gretchen about the dad stabbing, he is the lead singer of phantom planet...i am the original donnie darko fan...
silentbob i think its kind of funny
i think its kind of sad
that dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had
splat I find it kind of funny.
I find it kind of sad.

(Just helping ya out there, bobby)
Scarlet Photos where is donnie? 030512
silentbob vote dukakis 030512
Mandy This movie is...awesome. 030513
mcdougall an amazing move

go watch it everyone

bought it because of this page.
Mandy watched it with Father Howard, an episcopal..priest, is it? He's a neat guy. 031103
webley "Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?"
response; "Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"

spoken like a true headfuck
follow the rabbit One little boy one little mind funny how, tiiiiiiiimmmee flies 031104
splat dukakis teaches at my school. 031116
Black Argonaut what if this happened to you? how would you respond to the situation that donnie was placed in? 031121
whirligirl with more hope...

(thumbs down)
Heffable Horralump Cellar Door 031226
Webley does it matter that he died alone? 040416
tessa Alone and smiling? 040417
raze and what if you could go back in time and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better? 250202
what's it to you?
who go