amy in red what i needed was a stimulant, not the evening out of moods that SSRIs provide. and they also take away. things like pride.

i'm pretty good with the wellbutrin. so far, so good. still tired sometimes, but in a different way. tired in the morning now. hey psychiatrists: no on abilify without it. you actually need a little dopamine to avoid too much bizarre ideation. without dopamine in play there are other mechanisms in the brain that start to compensate. that can't be good either. that's what i, patient-person, think anyway.

also, i have a better ability (not only motivation) to exercise for real now. cells breathin better or somethin'. although my metabolism does not, never has, lose weight quickly, it's good to feel like exercise is perfectly fine, and not over-exertion.

i guess people (used to, maybe, it's not a new drug) use it to quit smoking. hmmm. just kind of miffed the doc didn't suggest it before...
what's it to you?
who go