madness it's the only way to let the pain out 010826
celestial tracing my vein with the point of a knife
dont do it
dont do it
you promised
you promised

i promised

throw it away
dont do it

youll leave
it hurts
you should leave
im no good for you
this hurts

i want to cry
i cant
i want to bleed

i promised
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl it releases the pain
so easy
im so grateful
its sinful?
well it feels clean
i dont feel dirty any more.
oldephebe to be corrupted and deflowered and set free, staring deeply into darkness' eyes and feel the sharp edge of a knife knowingly knitting it's fear in you and at the same time as your clutch your soul in horror you simultaneously feel as if you've reached, damn that - surpassed the summit of your erotic the instantiation of the vampire as corruption of history blah blah who among us could uphold the ideal of human purity (is THAT ever a non-sequitor) in the face of a charisma that exceeds our imagination..the realm of romance, power, malevolence.."oh dark sire of all my passion" we seem to want to breathlessly say, and yet the bounderies between good and evil (oh such prosaic notions child! oh but i did not know - come clear away my darkness)ahem..the bounderies between them bleed profusely the balconly of our rectitude and rational authority breaks away far too easily - officiousness and the whole governing rubric that kept us safely strapped in to this servility.. gets SERVED - I mean but at this juncture do we definately desert or irretrievably abandon our humanity when we yield our necks to this erotically charged transmutation?...from the first momentwhen those immaculate instruments of his/her teeth graze unbearably upon our jugular the moment becomes framed in fire - So are we just inaugerating another phase our inate and inextricably diachotamous and essentially fallen nature?
So when we receive this illicit bliss bearing the imprimature of a so called Dark Divinity we are bathed in the splendor, the scorching splendor of It's Marrow and Meaning, in eternal fidelity to the shadow branded into template writhing flesh.

So okay I got carried away again. Still loved what you guys wrote though.
oldephebe sorry..i meant to put this on meat

m'bad for carelessly treading into the sanctity of your pain and sorrow...seriously..this is a beatific realm and i've introduced my hormonal indulgences..such ephebic quasi-intellectual squalor..Me oh my maudlin land of MEdom
Sonya Is it possible to bleed emotionally or mentally? This is what I am going through right.

I've told some people at work bits and pieces of our now non-existent puzzle and they are shocked beyond belief.

Many of them wonder how it is that I can simply go about my daily work with such stability and sanity.

"After 3 years and you guys have been physically apart for a little over a month?? How the hell do you do it girl?"

"I don't know. I just have to do it, somehow."

Part of me wanted to say "Well we were emotionally apart for a lot longer than that..." It is very possible for two people who seemingly "love" each other to end up on completely different ends of the spectrum.

Saying "it's complicated" is a vast understatement.

How do I do it? I bleed every damn day and night, but despite all that I carry on.

Thanks a bunch for it.
APRicochetMVP if people can have brain farts and moments of ADD or dyslexia, is it such a strech that they are able to mentally or spiritually bleed? 050629
what's it to you?
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