past the city tests and reports e_coli levels at municipal beaches multiple times a day, but leaves out the unit of measurement.

today, for example, there are 44 e_colis at a local beach. i really hope they aren't too rowdy.
raze the city stopped cleaning it. i'm not sure when.

i used to be able to drink it straight from the tap. by the time i was twelve, ice cubes stank like they'd been stewing in something toxic before i let them fall into the same water that made them.

at least the taste hadn't curdled completely. that came a little later.

the day a bong and some bad pot had me singing for my soul to a higher power i wasn't sure i believed in anymore, i ran out of bottled_water in my bedroom. i wasn't making it down the stairs without breaking my neck. i was sure of that. so i brought an empty plastic bottle into the bathroom and filled it up in the sink. it had been years since i'd tried the free stuff. i figured it couldn't be that bad.

it almost made me throw up. i spat out what i couldn't swallow and let my throat turn to sand while i did my best to fight off what i thought was death with the only weapon i had left.

sometimes i wonder if it's safe to wash my face with it. who knows what's swimming around in there.
nr our city's water is the best i've ever tasted. 220721
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