raze adam's ale
warmed into weariness
by summer's sluggish syntax
and the slowed-down sound
of clarinets

even the plastic
is too tired to sweat
epitome of incomprehensibility "Summer's sluggish syntax" sang to my now-cool ears. I remember when you posted this: U thought it fit well with the hazy, lazy heat of the day.


But if the bottles are a bother to keep cool, you might want to ditch them for a filter. When I drank the water there I found it fine, but some people are more sensitive to impurities.

Or maybe you just don't like the taste, in which case the filter might not help. But your local store should sell water in those heavy-duty 10-litre bottles...

...gah, why do I sound like I'm trying to convert people to the religion of Not Too_Many_Small_Containers? Plastic waste is a far, far, far bigger industrial problem than a personal-consumer one.

But! at least some studies have found that tap water is quality-tested more often than bottled water, which is often taken from tap water anyway (source: James Salzman's Drinking Water: A History)
e_o_i cringes cringily Jesus Christ divided by zero, I sound like my dad. Too much frost_warning, perhaps.

Also, I put "U" instead of "I" in one sentence and it's making me cringe.
what's it to you?
who go