crOwl look, there's a motorcycle
laying on its side, and a lifeflight helicopter hovering above like a gentle mother bird, cutting soundwaves in the washed-clean blue morning sky.

i drive by writing bad poetry and listen to wilco. sunlight, like stone without weight is upon our faces, all of us beginning the work week. we all wonder if this traffic delay will make us late. we look for shortcuts like a game.

somewhere someone sleeps still. the fone call that will change their world as they know it is traveling the lines, about to ring.

a policeman sweeps broken glass from the pavement. he is homesick. he remembers the pleasures of his week-end.

the fone rings.

"hello?" she chokes herself awake.

she had been dreaming about him.
unhinged the one that would cuddle
kiss for hours
and never once
mention that he had
condoms in his drawer
the one that would grab
her hand silently
when her frustrations and stress
shrieked so loudly
against his eardrums
not asking her to be quiet
or settle down
when she needed to scream
the one who said
nothing when she cried
but just instinctively squeezed tighter
not asking her to stop
and the cuddling and the kissing
never ended
and they stared into each others eyes
talking wordlessly for hours
but really
it was only her rem cycles
jinx Every now and then I'll recognize something from a dream that's now being played out in real life. I'll know who will say what next. Most of the time though, when I have those dreams, I don't know the people in them.

I was telling a professor, a friend of mine about these happenings. He said he thinks they're a sign of being on the right track, of me doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I've dreamt of him before I knew him. I had seen us before I ever saw him.
I'm in the right place.
cocoon the one(s) she will never have 041119
lotuseater i always wanted her to love me. i know that all of my best friends wanted the same, but i think they would agree that if she was with me, she would be safe. i would say the same for any of them. she doesnt know what she is doing. i dont know what she is doing. i really adore her every move, the slightest glance at me sends a blast into my brain. i shiver at the happiness. 041119
sardines i wonder how i can be in someone's dream. who is that man that someone has created with their thoughts? how do we have the same name?

am i doing what they hope i would do in reality?

or am i doing what i want to do in another world? where love is not bound and restricted.
what's it to you?
who go