leif My heart has been found beating outside my chest following boys with long hair and impressive grammar and fingers thin enough for strings. The same sad muscle has pined after the girls who bite their lips and hide their secrets in the kisses I wasn't always privileged to receive. I am known to leave messy trails of iron-deficient blood pumped by what I'm told is a functional life-sustaining organ in all my moments of connection--real and imagined. And the truth I am most certain of as I move fiercely through my early decades of life is that I am woman built upon longing.

It's this longing that I fear the most--the trial to contentment.
leif I understand more now why longing is to be feared and why it can knock contentment over at its entirely weakest of knees.

Longing is honesty cutting at your insides with dull knives. It takes a persistence so wicked to release the truth.

It's when you want to protect the innocent ears around you, that the longing(with its fleet of sharpless silver)takes up arms to rid you of your carefulness--to plunge your protectiveness into sudden drowning.

So much for oxygen, so much for walking...I'm accustomed to drowning anyway.
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