nom white shoes

megan i dive in
and slice the water apart

no stopping, just going
stroke stroke stroke breathe
stroke stroke breathe

somehow the water becomes my friend, it listens to me, it pats me on the back
it catches my tears
i can blame the red eyes on chlorine

crisp cool water to work with
nothing but an open lane ahead
cr0wl if i am a stone thrown into the water, then i will find the quickest way and sink to the bottom, undistracted and full of purpose, drawn by the goal, yet on my way down i will create ripples, first small and then growing larger, progressing outwards all the way to the shore. 090302
jane back_into_the_womb 090303
unhinged panic attacks; afraid of drowning. i shower with my back to the water. never do i stick my face in.

i was born five weeks early, as a c_section, because the cord was wrapped around my neck. sometimes i wonder at the correlation of my fear of water and my drowning in the womb.
what's it to you?
who go