raze this isn't the book i ordered. i ordered william maxwell's "they came like swallows". i could tell something was wrong when i felt the envelope. it was too long, and what was inside was too thin. i thought maybe they sent me some promotional magazine or something.

what they sent me is the ninth book in the asterix comic book series. i've never heard of it before.

i can almost imagine the child this must have belonged to before it became a cheap used book that was sent to someone who didn't want it. i can almost see the child looking a little bewildered while their mother reads to them before bed. i can almost see the child getting older and losing interest in fantastic stories about gaulish warriors. i can almost see the mother throwing the book in a box, throwing the box in a closet, and letting the book and the box collect dust for twenty years before telling herself it's time to get rid of all this junk, when the junk once meant everything to her and built her child's imagination from the ground up.

but all i see is a book i didn't buy, telling a story i'd have to know the beginning of if i wanted to understand it.
unhinged we ended up with something we didn't order in our carryout the other day too. maybe it's neptune making everything all fuzzy including human brains 210903
Jus its beautiful
and sickening

this feeling of

in medias res
thirty fucking five

too late
too late
too late
ya its
too late

oh but it is beautiful
just not for me

for the next come upins
and their up coming
and downs
propped on my shoulders

just as im uncovering that
there is so much life left


its all uncertain

is that all ive learned in this long life
whats left
isnt promised

crumbs or cornucopias

for me
or for them
for us?


get me some fucking retinol eye cream STAT
lather the untucked titties in Lubriderm
backstroke in a cask of coconut oil

and what will come of the general unwillingness to unlearn past traumas

literally nothing good
literally just the same song sung
over and over
and over over over

until we all just wilt and forget that we're gay or white or straight or black or happy or exploding in a nuclear home

and what of trade wars
what are war trades
what are they even
other than the price of eggs or tomatoes
or mushy avocado mashed into gluten free bread

all of this just as I'm learning to paint
or crochet
or uncover a queering
or cook

all of this as i am in medias res

its unfair

that these uncs who've already been where I am right now
have the audacity to alter my avatar's
general mood
and disorder

all of this
when im too creaky to fight and too covered in coconut oil to stick anything right
whats left is a promise of hope
i guess
its time

for bed
what's it to you?
who go